It is not quite a fan club, but the Mobilithek User Group strive for similar goals. The members are convinced about Mobilithek’s performance and quality. They actively commit themselves to make it more known and to promote its development. Founded in 2014, the initiative comprises more than 50 members from the economy, research and public administration. The Federal Highway Research Institute [Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)] supports the work of the Mobilithek User Group.
Mobilithek User Group
The Mobilithek User Group
- develops ideas and requirements, agrees common activities (at quarterly meetings),
- takes part in events to promote Mobilithek’s recognition,
- develops written statements and recommendations,
- Supports new and existing users with knowledge and experience.
About the Know-how of the Mobilithek User Group
In the recommendation papers by the Mobilithek User Group you can find valuable information about the Mobilithek and topics around data, mobility and innovation. The download is free. 2024 you will find here some updated an some new “papers”.
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Statische Straßendaten
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Any Questions
for the User Group?
You can write to us, we will forward your query directly.
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